9/11 Truth: Massively Important

Letter from Prof. David Ray Griffin

The Appeal to NIST was penned mainly by James Gourley and he deserves recognition for his work in the 9/11 Truth movement. It is available here: http://journalof911studies.com/volume/2007/AppealLetterToNISTGourleyEtAl.pdf James and I have written a technical paper which we hope will be published soon. (I’m going to ask you to do a little prepatory homework; please work through the problems here: http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/Class/newtlaws/u2l4a.html . All four lessons are helpful.)

And we can all look forward to the updated edition of The New Pearl Harbor by Prof. Griffin! Thank you for your work, David. It’s great to work with you and James and all the folks named above — and all those throughout the world contributing to this critically important cause for justice and peace.

blog it

Haven’t Read

Just How Stupid is David Ray Griffin?

David Ray Griffin continues to show that he will stick with any myth, no matter how stupid. Yesterday he appeared on a radio show on KGNU (available here starting about 17 minutes in) doing his “Debunking 9/11 Debunking” bit. Amazingly, he still tries his air defenses at the Pentagon story, despite still having no evidence beyond his argument from personal incredulity. Incredibly he now even adds the claim that “many buildings” have air defenses. Oh really? Can I get some for my garage?
  blog it

Well, There You Have It

Patriots Question 9/11 – Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report:

Statement to this website 8/27/07:

‘The 9/11 tragedy is the most successful and most perverse publicity stunt in the history of public relations. I arrive at this conclusion largely as the result of the research and clear writing by David Ray Griffin in his fabulous books about 9/11. I first met him when he was a speaker at a scholarly conference unrelated to 9/11. He immediately impressed me as a brilliant, outstanding philosopher – theologian – author, a Whiteheadian scholar motivated by an intense curiosity to know everything possible about the world. On the plane home and for the next two days I did little else but read Griffin’s first book about 9/11, The New Pearl Harbor. From there I went on to read his even more disturbing account of the bogus 9/11 Commission Report, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, which provides overwhelming evidence that the official story is contradictory, incomplete, and unbelievable. It is clear to me that David Ray Griffin and his fellow critics are correct: the 9/11 ‘new Pearl Harbor’ was planned in astonishing detail and carried out through the efforts of a sophisticated and large network of operatives. It was more complex and far more successful than the Allende assassination, the US bombing of our own ship the ‘Maine’ t”

Well, There You Have It

Patriots Question 9/11 – Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report:

Statement to this website 8/27/07:

‘The 9/11 tragedy is the most successful and most perverse publicity stunt in the history of public relations. I arrive at this conclusion largely as the result of the research and clear writing by David Ray Griffin in his fabulous books about 9/11. I first met him when he was a speaker at a scholarly conference unrelated to 9/11. He immediately impressed me as a brilliant, outstanding philosopher – theologian – author, a Whiteheadian scholar motivated by an intense curiosity to know everything possible about the world. On the plane home and for the next two days I did little else but read Griffin’s first book about 9/11, The New Pearl Harbor. From there I went on to read his even more disturbing account of the bogus 9/11 Commission Report, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, which provides overwhelming evidence that the official story is contradictory, incomplete, and unbelievable. It is clear to me that David Ray Griffin and his fellow critics are correct: the 9/11 ‘new Pearl Harbor’ was planned in astonishing detail and carried out through the efforts of a sophisticated and large network of operatives. It was more complex and far more successful than the Allende assassination, the US bombing of our own ship the ‘Maine’ t”

Fwd: [september_eleven_vreeland] Digest Number 1586 (Updated 5/30/07)

Updated 5/30/07 Video about HAARP


Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)




Posted by: “norgesen” norgesen@yahoo.com norgesen

Sat Jan 6, 2007 5:26 am (PST)


The really creepy part of this whole PSYOP is that MUJCA Griffin –Barrett probably don’t even know they’ve been used as a weapon of distraction. They think that State Dept. Fulbright Morocco and Bellagio scholars naturally get the proper attention from BBC-VPRO-FOX because of their elite globalist credentials-not like the uncouth fellows Alex Jones and Webster Tarpley.

This means that leaders of a truly progressive movement can be selected and propped up at least in the eyes of the unknowing, merely through allocation of media time (even negative reviews increase exposure and influence within anti-establishment organizations).

This is then done in tandem through parallel allocation of publishing resources by phony progressive front groups tied to the CIA foundations, World Bank, Saudi-FOX, etc.


If the 911 Inside job Hypothesis is their preferred counter explanation to the fraud of the official story, what does the distraction steer us away from? The answer may exist in the correlations of the supporting propaganda mechanisms, i.e. Anglo-Dutch BBC-VPRO, EU-Saudi News Corp-Vivendi,(see footnote *) transnational World Bank, Club of Rome, transnational Al-Qaeda, TRANSNATIONAL ‘PLANETIZATION’?

Wherever this originates, its far from the MUJCA PSYOP’s preferred explanation of Halliburton Pentagon Bush-Cheney idiot pacemaker MIHOP.



In 9/11 Research and Disinformation (P L A N E T I Z E !! –warning creepy MUJCA Pagan WICCA music )

Psyop-mujca, David Ray Griffin, Kevin Barrett, mujca, Jon L. Berquist, Jon Berquist, club of rome, club of budapest, planetexation, global governance, Interlink, westminster john knoz press, diana eck, diana L. eck, aar, religion, the pluralism project, who paid the piper, luce foundation, ford foundation, rockefeller foundation. 9/11. 911





3. hollywood left –the climate group



The “New” Iraq Strategy

Posted by: “norgesen” norgesen@yahoo.com norgesen

Sat Jan 6, 2007 7:06 am (PST)

Bush & Co. have made it clear they intend to escalate
the war in Iraq.

“Surge and Accelerate” they call it.

Perhaps as many as forty thousand more troops.

What for?

To win the war? Impossible.

To increase security? Preposterous.

Keith Olberman nails it on network TV…

It’s about ringing up last minute arms sales
before the game is finally up.


– Brasscheck

P.S. Please write your favorite political
blog and let them know about “Peace” by
Esther Sparks…


Well over 5,000 views now in just a few
days. It’s the 50th most popular music video
on YouTube this week.

(We’re going up aganst the likes of Warner Brothers
and Chevrolet etc. who also have music videos
in the running.)



Bringing the “Perps” to Justice

Posted by: “smacko” smacko9@comcast.net drsmacko

Sat Jan 6, 2007 2:27 pm (PST)

Bringing the “Perps,” Bush and Cheney, to Justice
by Walter C. Uhler |
A Review of U.S. v. Bush
By Elizabeth de la Vega
Seven Stories Press, 2006, Pp. 256.




Cindy Sheehan goes to Guantanamo, Pelosi 43% Favor,WarProfit Bill+++

Posted by: “ranger116@webtv.net ranger116@webtv.net ranger116_2000

Sat Jan 6, 2007 2:33 pm (PST)

Cindy Sheehan goes to Guantanamo, Pelosi 43% Favor,WarProfit Bill+++

T Lee Buyea – Fla News Service

Cindy Sheehan, Peace Defenders, Go to Guantanamo Cuba – Prensa Latina


WASHINGTON (Thursday, January 4)

( A Bill Just for Cheney ? )

Sen. Leahy (D-VT) introduced a bill today, simply called The War
Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007

Targeting fraud by gov’t contractors supporting the occupation of Iraq
and the response to Hurricane Katrina.
Such profiteering would be a felony under
Leahy’s legislation, punishable by up to 20 years in prison and fines of
$1 million…

The bill:

Political Tracking Poll: Nancy Pelosi
Republican attack poll ?

One day as Speaker of the House and what actions do they have to judge
her on so far ?
Give her a couple months and I and all the Democrats will trash
her if she does not do Our Will !

(Impeach Now+ Charge with Treason, war crimes and spying on U.S.

Political Tracking Poll:
43% favor Nancy Pelosi

Speaker,’ The Honeymoon Is Over


Troops To Iraq Is A Mirage

Bush Warned About Mail-Opening Authority – washingtonpost.com


Best chemtrail video yet

Its all about population cull and control.

There is only one aspect missing in this video—and that is the
electromagnetic frequency manipulations for warfare and
mindcontrol, and the role chemtrails have in making the atmosphere
conductive, for the use of GWEN system (celltowers) and HAARP. This
article covers that aspect very well.
http://www.bariumblues.com/em_mind%20control.htm Another excellent
article to shed some light on what is coming at us
BTW–here are the specs for very easy to make chembusters by Don Croft
and company.


U.S. infrastructure for sale to foreigners

Posted by: “norgesen” norgesen@yahoo.com norgesen

Sat Jan 6, 2007 5:24 pm (PST)

U.S. infrastructure for sale to foreigners
State, local officials gathering for seminar to learn ‘how-to’
Posted: January 5, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

EuroMoney Seminars, a UK-based company, is holding a seminar to teach state and local government officials in the U.S. how to lease a wide range of public assets – ranging from highways to water departments – to international and foreign private investment groups.

The event, entitled “PPP: The North American Private Partnerships Intensive Seminar,” will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Miami March 19 to 21. The cost will be $3,500 per attendee.

A spokesman for EuroMoney Seminars in the UK told WND the target audience was government employees at the state and local level who want to learn the “how-to” of putting together deals such as the one by Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte to finance the Trans-Texas Corridor. The EuroMoney Seminars spokesman talked with WND on background, complying with EuroMoney Seminars policy that spokesmen not be named in news stories.

In its first mailing for the March PPP conference in Miami, EuroMoney Seminars targeted bureaucrats from the state departments of transportation. The group plans to limit the number of attendees to 50.

“We plan intensive training in a classroom setting,” the EuroMoney Seminars spokesman told WND. “We plan to teach the attending government officials all aspects of how to structure a PPP deal with a private investment consortium. The curriculum is designed to cover every aspect of a PPP deal, from basic structures and asset classes, to the bidding process; documentation and contractual issues; tax and accounting implications; and project management. When finished with the seminar, the government official should be trained to enter the market and look for a public-private partnership for themselves.”

The brochure for the March conference lists the following five individuals as “faculty”:

1.. A securities industry expert: Duncan Caird, managing director, Project and Export Finance, HSBC Securities (USA)

2.. A legal expert: David Narefsky, partner, Mayer, Brown Rowe & Maw, Chicago

3.. An accounting expert: Saad Rafi, Partner, Infrastructure Advisory & Project finance, Deloitte & Touche, LLP Canada

4.. An investment banker: John Ma, managing director, Municipal Finance and Infrastructure Group, Goldman Sachs, New York

5.. An insurance expert: Mary Francoeur, director, Financial Guaranty Insurance Company (FGIC)
Narefsky told WND, “There is enormous interest in the potential for privatization of U.S. infrastructure assets. So, the idea of an educational seminar workshop to educate particular state and local government officials about the potential opportunities and challenges involved with privatizing infrastructure seems like a terrific idea and a very timely one.”

As additional examples of PPP projects in the U.S., Narefsky referenced the leasing of the Chicago Skyway for $1.83 billion in 2005 to a consortium that included Cintra and the Macquarie Group, an Australian private capital consortium, and the 2006 leasing of the Indiana Toll Road for 75 years for $3.85 billion to an international investment group that also included Cintra.

Narefsky told WND the progress in the PPP field leasing U.S. public infrastructure follows the experience in the European Union.

What kind of experience can U.S. citizens expect when infrastructure ranging from toll roads to water departments to prisons to public schools are leased by foreign investment concerns and placed under foreign management?

“That’s why it is absolutely essential to have first class legal talent representing the government owners of these assets,” Narefsky emphasized to WND, “to be sure that issues like maintenance and capital expenditures over time, as well as toll setting regimes are all very clearly negotiated and built into the transaction documents. There must be clearly stated contract protections built into the lease agreement so that public interests can be protected.”

Last September, EuroMoney Seminars ran a “networking” PPP conference in New York City at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel at a cost of $2500 per attendee.

“That conference,” explained the EuroMoney Seminars spokesman “was a networking conference. We wanted more like 200 attendees, including a mix from government, investment banking, as well as the lawyers and accountants who structure the deals. The goal there was for people to meet one another. In the Miami conference we want more of a focused educational experience where government officials will be in a classroom setting.”

Attending the September 2006 PPP conference in New York City were officials from nine state departments of transportation, including Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Florida, Oregon, Alaska, Indiana and California.

Financial firms represented at the September conference included Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, The Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, the Carlyle Group, JP Morgan Asset Management, AIG Highstar Capital, Macquarie and Cintra.

The EuroMoney Seminars conference brochure explained:

The issue of North American shortfall in infrastructure is a serious one. Research estimates that in the U.S. alone $90 billion is required each year just to maintain current standards.
The PPP proposed solution was to involve private investment capital to upgrade, operate and lease “transportation networks, hospitals, airports, ports, municipal buildings, housing and schools.”

The brochure went on to comment that the U.S. has been slower to utilize PPP structures than the OECD countries (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development).

“The time is right for all this to change,” the brochure asserted. “In recent years there have been a number of landmark PPP transactions in the U.S. and Canada, most notably the Chicago Skyway, Indiana Toll road, Pocahontas Parkway and the Richmond-to-Vancouver rail link. This has proved that PPP can work. It is important now that the deal flow begins to increase and the transaction time speeds up.”

The EuroMoney Seminars provide detailed counseling on changes in U.S. state laws that need to be made before the PPP structures developed in the European Union can be applied here.

“The potential for the project finance community remains immense,” the brochure asserted.

EuroMoney Seminars told WND the company plans to repeat the New York City “networking conference” twice this year, on the West Coast in April and in New York City once again in April.


Related offers:

Whistleblower magazine’s current issue, “PREMEDITATED MERGER,” shows how leaders are stealthily transforming the USA into a North American Union.

If you wish to order by phone, call our toll-free order line at 1-800-4WND-COM ).


Previous stories:

Bush-41 officials in Chinese cargo-monitor deal

Chinese have ownership in U.S. cargo monitors

Truckers call for boycott of foreign-owned road

Congressman: Superhighway about North American Union

Trans-Texas Corridor paved with campaign contributions?

More evidence of Mexican trucks coming to U.S.

Docs reveal plan for Mexican trucks in U.S.

Kansas City customs port considered Mexican soil?


Fwd: [september_eleven_vreeland] Digest Number 1586 (Updated 5/30/07)

Updated 5/30/07 Video about HAARP


Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)




Posted by: “norgesen” norgesen@yahoo.com norgesen

Sat Jan 6, 2007 5:26 am (PST)


The really creepy part of this whole PSYOP is that MUJCA Griffin –Barrett probably don’t even know they’ve been used as a weapon of distraction. They think that State Dept. Fulbright Morocco and Bellagio scholars naturally get the proper attention from BBC-VPRO-FOX because of their elite globalist credentials-not like the uncouth fellows Alex Jones and Webster Tarpley.

This means that leaders of a truly progressive movement can be selected and propped up at least in the eyes of the unknowing, merely through allocation of media time (even negative reviews increase exposure and influence within anti-establishment organizations).

This is then done in tandem through parallel allocation of publishing resources by phony progressive front groups tied to the CIA foundations, World Bank, Saudi-FOX, etc.


If the 911 Inside job Hypothesis is their preferred counter explanation to the fraud of the official story, what does the distraction steer us away from? The answer may exist in the correlations of the supporting propaganda mechanisms, i.e. Anglo-Dutch BBC-VPRO, EU-Saudi News Corp-Vivendi,(see footnote *) transnational World Bank, Club of Rome, transnational Al-Qaeda, TRANSNATIONAL ‘PLANETIZATION’?

Wherever this originates, its far from the MUJCA PSYOP’s preferred explanation of Halliburton Pentagon Bush-Cheney idiot pacemaker MIHOP.



In 9/11 Research and Disinformation (P L A N E T I Z E !! –warning creepy MUJCA Pagan WICCA music )

Psyop-mujca, David Ray Griffin, Kevin Barrett, mujca, Jon L. Berquist, Jon Berquist, club of rome, club of budapest, planetexation, global governance, Interlink, westminster john knoz press, diana eck, diana L. eck, aar, religion, the pluralism project, who paid the piper, luce foundation, ford foundation, rockefeller foundation. 9/11. 911





3. hollywood left –the climate group



The “New” Iraq Strategy

Posted by: “norgesen” norgesen@yahoo.com norgesen

Sat Jan 6, 2007 7:06 am (PST)

Bush & Co. have made it clear they intend to escalate
the war in Iraq.

“Surge and Accelerate” they call it.

Perhaps as many as forty thousand more troops.

What for?

To win the war? Impossible.

To increase security? Preposterous.

Keith Olberman nails it on network TV…

It’s about ringing up last minute arms sales
before the game is finally up.


– Brasscheck

P.S. Please write your favorite political
blog and let them know about “Peace” by
Esther Sparks…


Well over 5,000 views now in just a few
days. It’s the 50th most popular music video
on YouTube this week.

(We’re going up aganst the likes of Warner Brothers
and Chevrolet etc. who also have music videos
in the running.)



Bringing the “Perps” to Justice

Posted by: “smacko” smacko9@comcast.net drsmacko

Sat Jan 6, 2007 2:27 pm (PST)

Bringing the “Perps,” Bush and Cheney, to Justice
by Walter C. Uhler |
A Review of U.S. v. Bush
By Elizabeth de la Vega
Seven Stories Press, 2006, Pp. 256.




Cindy Sheehan goes to Guantanamo, Pelosi 43% Favor,WarProfit Bill+++

Posted by: “ranger116@webtv.net ranger116@webtv.net ranger116_2000

Sat Jan 6, 2007 2:33 pm (PST)

Cindy Sheehan goes to Guantanamo, Pelosi 43% Favor,WarProfit Bill+++

T Lee Buyea – Fla News Service

Cindy Sheehan, Peace Defenders, Go to Guantanamo Cuba – Prensa Latina


WASHINGTON (Thursday, January 4)

( A Bill Just for Cheney ? )

Sen. Leahy (D-VT) introduced a bill today, simply called The War
Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007

Targeting fraud by gov’t contractors supporting the occupation of Iraq
and the response to Hurricane Katrina.
Such profiteering would be a felony under
Leahy’s legislation, punishable by up to 20 years in prison and fines of
$1 million…

The bill:

Political Tracking Poll: Nancy Pelosi
Republican attack poll ?

One day as Speaker of the House and what actions do they have to judge
her on so far ?
Give her a couple months and I and all the Democrats will trash
her if she does not do Our Will !

(Impeach Now+ Charge with Treason, war crimes and spying on U.S.

Political Tracking Poll:
43% favor Nancy Pelosi

Speaker,’ The Honeymoon Is Over


Troops To Iraq Is A Mirage

Bush Warned About Mail-Opening Authority – washingtonpost.com


Best chemtrail video yet

Its all about population cull and control.

There is only one aspect missing in this video—and that is the
electromagnetic frequency manipulations for warfare and
mindcontrol, and the role chemtrails have in making the atmosphere
conductive, for the use of GWEN system (celltowers) and HAARP. This
article covers that aspect very well.
http://www.bariumblues.com/em_mind%20control.htm Another excellent
article to shed some light on what is coming at us
BTW–here are the specs for very easy to make chembusters by Don Croft
and company.


U.S. infrastructure for sale to foreigners

Posted by: “norgesen” norgesen@yahoo.com norgesen

Sat Jan 6, 2007 5:24 pm (PST)

U.S. infrastructure for sale to foreigners
State, local officials gathering for seminar to learn ‘how-to’
Posted: January 5, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

EuroMoney Seminars, a UK-based company, is holding a seminar to teach state and local government officials in the U.S. how to lease a wide range of public assets – ranging from highways to water departments – to international and foreign private investment groups.

The event, entitled “PPP: The North American Private Partnerships Intensive Seminar,” will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Miami March 19 to 21. The cost will be $3,500 per attendee.

A spokesman for EuroMoney Seminars in the UK told WND the target audience was government employees at the state and local level who want to learn the “how-to” of putting together deals such as the one by Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte to finance the Trans-Texas Corridor. The EuroMoney Seminars spokesman talked with WND on background, complying with EuroMoney Seminars policy that spokesmen not be named in news stories.

In its first mailing for the March PPP conference in Miami, EuroMoney Seminars targeted bureaucrats from the state departments of transportation. The group plans to limit the number of attendees to 50.

“We plan intensive training in a classroom setting,” the EuroMoney Seminars spokesman told WND. “We plan to teach the attending government officials all aspects of how to structure a PPP deal with a private investment consortium. The curriculum is designed to cover every aspect of a PPP deal, from basic structures and asset classes, to the bidding process; documentation and contractual issues; tax and accounting implications; and project management. When finished with the seminar, the government official should be trained to enter the market and look for a public-private partnership for themselves.”

The brochure for the March conference lists the following five individuals as “faculty”:

1.. A securities industry expert: Duncan Caird, managing director, Project and Export Finance, HSBC Securities (USA)

2.. A legal expert: David Narefsky, partner, Mayer, Brown Rowe & Maw, Chicago

3.. An accounting expert: Saad Rafi, Partner, Infrastructure Advisory & Project finance, Deloitte & Touche, LLP Canada

4.. An investment banker: John Ma, managing director, Municipal Finance and Infrastructure Group, Goldman Sachs, New York

5.. An insurance expert: Mary Francoeur, director, Financial Guaranty Insurance Company (FGIC)
Narefsky told WND, “There is enormous interest in the potential for privatization of U.S. infrastructure assets. So, the idea of an educational seminar workshop to educate particular state and local government officials about the potential opportunities and challenges involved with privatizing infrastructure seems like a terrific idea and a very timely one.”

As additional examples of PPP projects in the U.S., Narefsky referenced the leasing of the Chicago Skyway for $1.83 billion in 2005 to a consortium that included Cintra and the Macquarie Group, an Australian private capital consortium, and the 2006 leasing of the Indiana Toll Road for 75 years for $3.85 billion to an international investment group that also included Cintra.

Narefsky told WND the progress in the PPP field leasing U.S. public infrastructure follows the experience in the European Union.

What kind of experience can U.S. citizens expect when infrastructure ranging from toll roads to water departments to prisons to public schools are leased by foreign investment concerns and placed under foreign management?

“That’s why it is absolutely essential to have first class legal talent representing the government owners of these assets,” Narefsky emphasized to WND, “to be sure that issues like maintenance and capital expenditures over time, as well as toll setting regimes are all very clearly negotiated and built into the transaction documents. There must be clearly stated contract protections built into the lease agreement so that public interests can be protected.”

Last September, EuroMoney Seminars ran a “networking” PPP conference in New York City at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel at a cost of $2500 per attendee.

“That conference,” explained the EuroMoney Seminars spokesman “was a networking conference. We wanted more like 200 attendees, including a mix from government, investment banking, as well as the lawyers and accountants who structure the deals. The goal there was for people to meet one another. In the Miami conference we want more of a focused educational experience where government officials will be in a classroom setting.”

Attending the September 2006 PPP conference in New York City were officials from nine state departments of transportation, including Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Florida, Oregon, Alaska, Indiana and California.

Financial firms represented at the September conference included Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, The Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, the Carlyle Group, JP Morgan Asset Management, AIG Highstar Capital, Macquarie and Cintra.

The EuroMoney Seminars conference brochure explained:

The issue of North American shortfall in infrastructure is a serious one. Research estimates that in the U.S. alone $90 billion is required each year just to maintain current standards.
The PPP proposed solution was to involve private investment capital to upgrade, operate and lease “transportation networks, hospitals, airports, ports, municipal buildings, housing and schools.”

The brochure went on to comment that the U.S. has been slower to utilize PPP structures than the OECD countries (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development).

“The time is right for all this to change,” the brochure asserted. “In recent years there have been a number of landmark PPP transactions in the U.S. and Canada, most notably the Chicago Skyway, Indiana Toll road, Pocahontas Parkway and the Richmond-to-Vancouver rail link. This has proved that PPP can work. It is important now that the deal flow begins to increase and the transaction time speeds up.”

The EuroMoney Seminars provide detailed counseling on changes in U.S. state laws that need to be made before the PPP structures developed in the European Union can be applied here.

“The potential for the project finance community remains immense,” the brochure asserted.

EuroMoney Seminars told WND the company plans to repeat the New York City “networking conference” twice this year, on the West Coast in April and in New York City once again in April.


Related offers:

Whistleblower magazine’s current issue, “PREMEDITATED MERGER,” shows how leaders are stealthily transforming the USA into a North American Union.

If you wish to order by phone, call our toll-free order line at 1-800-4WND-COM ).


Previous stories:

Bush-41 officials in Chinese cargo-monitor deal

Chinese have ownership in U.S. cargo monitors

Truckers call for boycott of foreign-owned road

Congressman: Superhighway about North American Union

Trans-Texas Corridor paved with campaign contributions?

More evidence of Mexican trucks coming to U.S.

Docs reveal plan for Mexican trucks in U.S.

Kansas City customs port considered Mexican soil?


Exclusive: Matt Drudge Provides Insight

Around 11:44 pm on his syndicated radio show, Matt Drudge explained why he does not support questions about 9/11.

After boring the audience for hours with audio clips of Katie Couric questioning John and Elizabeth Edwards, Drudge finally got around to saying, “if you aren’t on the meds, you can’t understand” in reference to Rosie O’Donnell’s highly visible questioning, along with millions of others, of WTC 7 and the overall government myths.

On the subject of Rosie, I found the following blog post that show more in-depth discussion of Rosie and 9/11 Truth:

Exclusive: Matt Drudge Provides Insight

Around 11:44 pm on his syndicated radio show, Matt Drudge explained why he does not support questions about 9/11.

After boring the audience for hours with audio clips of Katie Couric questioning John and Elizabeth Edwards, Drudge finally got around to saying, “if you aren’t on the meds, you can’t understand” in reference to Rosie O’Donnell’s highly visible questioning, along with millions of others, of WTC 7 and the overall government myths.

On the subject of Rosie, I found the following blog post that show more in-depth discussion of Rosie and 9/11 Truth: