Hoax and High Treason… Adam Lanza Never Existed!… Sandy Hook School Was Not an Operating School at Time of Shooting!

I have now published multiple articles about it here at Veterans Today, including “Sandy Hook: Huge Hoax and anti-Gun ‘Psy Op’”, where others, such as historian of science and expert on 7/7, Nicholas Kollerstrom, have addressed the parallels between those events.

On one web site, I have even been asked by a serious but skeptical reader whether it is even possible that none of the children were actually killed.

Haven’t Studied

To judge from firsthand documents obtained by the ACLU through a FOIA lawsuit, we can guess what is probably on the missing CIA interrogation tapes — as well as understand why those implicated are spinning so hard to pretend the tapes do not document a series of evident crimes. According to the little-noticed but extraordinarily important book Administration of Torture: A Documentary Record from Washington to Abu Ghraib and Beyond (Jameel Jaffer and Amrit Singh, Columbia University Press, New York 2007), which presents dozens of original formerly secret documents – FBI emails and memos, letters and interrogator “wish lists,” raw proof of the systemic illegal torture of detainees in various US-held prisons — the typical “harsh interrogation” of a suspect in US custody reads like an account of abuses in archives at Yad Vashem.

What Is Probably in the Missing Tapes

  blog it

TV Fakery

Firefighter speaks truth on the Alex Jones Show (12/13/2007)

At around the 2:38 mark in Alex 3-hour show, a caller talks about the destruction of the WTC bldgs. He says roughly… they showed cartoons to us (talking about the planes hitting the buildings on 9/11).

This is huge. Alex chooses not to take the caller up on this part of his statement.



Rep. Poe: KBR Gang Rape Was Not ‘An Isolated Case Of Sexual Assault’

Earlier this week, former Halliburton/KBR employee Jamie Leigh Jones revealed that in 2005 she had been “raped by multiple men at a KBR camp” in Baghdad. For the past two years, her congressman, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX), has been pushing the federal government to investigate the matter, but he “says neither the department of State nor Justice will give him answers” on the status of the investigation.

On CNN’s Lou Dobbs’ Tonight last night, Poe said that he does “not think this is an isolated case” and encouraged “other victims to notify” his office:

DOBBS: Now I know you’ve written a letter to the U.S. attorney general, Michael Mukasey, seeking his intervention in this case. Is there anything the audience of this broadcast can do so assist you?

POE: Yes, exactly. There’s something you can do. We do not think this is an isolated case of sexual assault against American citizens in Baghdad by coworkers. We want the other victims to notify my office immediately.

Congress is a Waste


Intelligence Oversight In Free Fall

Thursday, December 13, 2007; Page A35

Whatever else one might say about America’s accident-prone intelligence agencies, it seems clear that the system of congressional oversight that was established in the mid-1970s to supervise them isn’t working.

Right now, we are getting the worst possible mix — a dearth of adequate congressional scrutiny on the front end that could improve performance and check abuses, and a flood of second-guessing at the back end, after each flap, that further demoralizes and enfeebles the spies. Congress silently blesses the CIA‘s harsh interrogation tactics, for example, and then denounces the practices when they become public.

Not a Fair / Honest Discussion

I’m posting this for two reasons:

1) To provide details about what those like Alex Jones or other vaccine critics are refering to when they talk about “cancer viruses”.

2) Underneath the hype there are real issues of public policy and ethnics of the medical establishment and health care industry.

via The Invisible Opportunity by Sopan Greene on 12/11/07

This stunning censored interview conducted by medical historian Edward Shorter for WGBH public television (Boston) and Blackwell Science was cut from The Health Century due to its huge liability–the admission that Merck drug company vaccines have traditionally been injecting cancer viruses (SV40 and others) in people worldwide.

This segment of In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism, produced and freely contributed by consumer protector and public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, features the world’s leading vaccine expert, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, who explains why Merck’s vaccines have spread AIDS, leukemia, and other horrific plagues worldwide.

Click here to see the video from Live Link

Things you can do from here:

It is starting to hit the fan

Not an analysis I fully agree with.

via xymphora by Andrew on 12/12/07

It has taken a long while, but the actions of the Jewish Billioniares and their employees are starting to be connected with the Wars for the Jews:

  1. Maureen Dowd on Feith and Wolfowitz, expressly connecting the ScareJew to the lying Zionist intelligence which led directly to the attack on Iran (my emphasis in red):

    “Feith’s disdain for diplomacy and his credo that weakness invites aggression were shaped, Ricks reported, by personal history: ‘Like Wolfowitz, Feith came from a family devastated by the Holocaust. His father lost both parents, three brothers, and four sisters to the Nazis.’

    Feith told Jeffrey Goldberg in The New Yorker that “My family got wiped out by Hitler, and … all this stuff about working things out – well, talking to Hitler to resolve the problem didn’t make any sense to me. The kind of people who put bumper stickers on their car that declare that ‘War is not the answer,’ are they making a serious comment? What’s the answer to Pearl Harbor? What’s the answer to the Holocaust?’

    What’s the answer to bin Laden? According to Feith, it was an attack on an unrelated dictator. He oversaw the Policy Counterterrorism Evaluation Group, whose mission was to amp up links between Saddam and Al Qaeda.

    It defies reason, but there are still some who think the chuckleheads who orchestrated the Iraq misadventure have wisdom to impart.

    The Pentagon neocons dumped Condi Rice out of the loop. Yet, according to Newsweek’s Mike Isikoff, Condi has now offered Wolfie a job. It wasn’t enough that he trashed Iraq and the World Bank. (He’s still larking around town with Shaha, the sweetheart he gave the sweetheart deal to.)

    Condi wants Wolfie to advise her on nuclear proliferation and W.M.D. as part of a State Department panel that has access to highly classified intelligence.

    Once you’ve helped distort W.M.D. intelligence to trick the country into war, shouldn’t you be banned for life from ever having another top-level government post concerning W.M.D.?”

  2. Gary Hart as much as calls Alan Dershowitz a ‘dual loyalist’ for Dershie’s inane comments on the NIE on Iran. Hart isn’t quite brave enough to take it all the way. He raises the issue, and then dismisses it for no good reason, leaving the motives of Dershowitz – a guy who has just made a big point of crossing a picket line protesting the illegal Israeli settlements – a complete mystery
  3. In Britain, a one-issue guy named David Abrahams has claimed that he gave donations to the Labour party in secret as he did not want “Jewish money and the Labour Party being put together.” He is now saying he was misquoted, although the original source for the story stands by it! In other words, he is now conspiring to hide the fact that he conspired to hide a Jewish conspiracy to influence the Labour Party to engage in a conspiracy to fight Wars for the Jews.

Anshel Pfeffer writes (in Ha’aretz), in a comment which is eventually unconvincingly dismissive of the conspiracy theories:

“And although I am of course reluctant to spur on ‘Elders of Zion’ conspiracy theory enthusiasts, we should nonetheless be asking ourselves why there always seem to be Jews around when politics and funny money meet. And the standard excuse, that there are ‘rotten apples in every barrel,’ just won’t do, as the involvement of Jews in these cases is hugely disproportionate to their percentage of the population.”

Finally, a comment from Andrew Winkler, completely out of the mainstream but getting closer with each passing day:

“But why, I’m sometimes asked, do I attack all Jews if I honestly only hate those Jews who do evil. Well, it’s only their skinner-box like reaction that makes them feel that way. If Jews weren’t conditioned – through over 1900 years of Talmudian indoctrination and the horror stories of the Holocult – to blindly jump to the defence of any fellow Jew – no matter how bad their sins – there would be far less reason to suspect that those evil actions had anything to do with their Jewish background. The recent debate on the illegal party donations in Britain is a good example. How do the Jewish media react to those reports? Instead of criticising the donations as criminal acts and blaming the donors for giving Jews a bad name, the majority of Jewish media criticise the reports as being motivated by and causal to more anti-Semitism.”

You may perhaps note that the mainstreaming of truth connects directly to perceptions of power. The American Establishment made a huge power play in releasing the NIE on Iran, and the predictable neocon reactions to it, reactions which were once treated as gospel truth, are suddenly being treated with disdain. Power is shifting away from the Jewish Billionaires, and the old slurs are no longer working. I’ve been saying for a long time that the wider Jewish community had to get in front of this thing, but it may now be too late.

We’re still waiting for the levee to break, but you have to admit that the water is getting awfully high.

Things you can do from here:

OpinionJournal – On the Editorial Page – December 13, 2007


Video — Now Playing on WSJ.com
An End to Endless Campaigning
Opinion Journal’s Wonderland columnist Dan Henninger discusses the arrival of the much anticipated Iowa caucus on Jan. 3.
December 13, 12:01 a.m.


On the Editorial Page
Crimson in clover: Why Harvard costs so much.
12:01 a.m. EST

Iowa’s January caucuses finally arrive for a face-weary electorate.
12:01 a.m. EST

Higher education is about to change as elite universities decide what to do with their huge endowments.
12:01 a.m. EST

Should you feel guilty if your children watch TV all the time? Probably.
12:01 a.m. EST


Review & Outlook

Of Victims and Mortgages
The Conyers plan for more expensive home loans.
Dec 13 2007

A Better Fed Idea
It’s the kind of creative regulatory plumbing we’ve been waiting to see.
Dec 13 2007

Crimson in Clover
Why Harvard costs so much.
Dec 13 2007


Harvard for Free
The world of higher education is about to change as elite universities decide what to do with their multibillion dollar endowments.
Dec 13 2007

Let’s Stay Open for Business
America has always benefited from foreign investment.
Dec 13 2007

How Not to Fix the Economy
We can absorb the subprime losses if we don’t fall for bad ideas like protectionism.
Dec 13 2007

Wonder Land

At Last, a Vote!
Iowa’s January caucuses finally arrive for a face-weary electorate.
Dec 13 2007


Meet Dmitry Medvedev.
Dec 13 2007

Stitching up Bosnia
Let’s offer the Serbs a package deal to heal this festering sore.
Dec 13 2007

American Intelligence
The CIA & Co. say they don’t ‘know’ what Iran is up to.
Dec 13 2007

Market Talk
How companies that aren’t cartels sometimes act like them.
Dec 13 2007


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Summary of links referenced in this email:

Of Victims and Mortgages

A Better Fed Idea

Crimson in Clover

Harvard for Free

Let’s Stay Open for Business

How Not to Fix the Economy

At Last, a Vote!


Stitching up Bosnia

American Intelligence

Market Talk

Will Greenwald Go Further to Reveal the True Elite Trickery?


New poll reveals how unrepresentative neocon Jewish groups are

A new survey of American Jewish opinion, released by the American Jewish Committee, demonstrates several important propositions: (1) right-wing neocons (the Bill Kristol/Commentary/ AIPAC/Marty Peretz faction) who relentlessly claim to speak for Israel and for Jews generally hold views that are shared only by a small minority of American Jews; (2) viewpoints that are routinely demonized as reflective of animus towards Israel or even anti-Semitism are ones that are held by large majorities of American Jews; and (3) most American Jews oppose U.S. military action in the Middle East — including both in Iraq and against Iran.

It is beyond dispute that American Jews overwhelmingly oppose core neoconservative foreign policy principles. Hence, in large numbers, they disapprove of the way the U.S. is handling its “campaign against terrorism” (59-31); overwhelmingly believe the U.S. should have stayed out of Iraq (67-27); believe that things are going “somewhat badly” or “very badly” in Iraq (76-23); and believe that the “surge” has either made things worse or has had no impact (68-30).

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