More News on the British Captives

Print Story: Iran dissidents: British capture ordered on Yahoo! News

Iran dissidents: British capture ordered

By DAVID STRINGER, Associated Press WriterSat Mar 31, 1:16 PM ET

An Iranian opposition group claimed Saturday that Iran’s capture of
15 British sailors and marines was planned in advance and carried out
in retaliation for the U.N. sanctions imposed against the country, as
an Iranian diplomat said the case had entered a legal phase.

Gholam-Reza Ansari, the Iranian ambassador to Russia, made his
comments to Russian television Vesti-24 on Friday and was quoted by
IRNA on its Web site as saying, “the case of the detention of British
sailors has taken on a judicial form.”

IRNA originally quoted the ambassador Saturday morning as saying the
sailors could be “tried if there is enough evidence of guilt.” But the
agency published a correction later claiming Ansari’s comments were
incorrectly translated by Russian television. The Russian TV station
could not immediately be reached for comment.

Asked about Ansari’s remarks earlier Saturday before IRNA reported
that he was misquoted, British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett urged
Iran to resolve the crisis peacefully.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran — the political wing of
the Iranian MEK opposition group which is listed as a terrorist group
by Britain, the U.S. and the European Union — said the British crew’s
capture was planned in advance, but offered no evidence to support the

The British sailors were detained by Iranian naval units March 23
while patrolling for smugglers near the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab, a
waterway that has long been a disputed dividing line between Iraq and
Iran. Iran claims the Britons were in its territory; Britain and the
Iraqi government say they were taken captive in Iraqi waters.

Iran appears intent on sending a message of strength as it faces
mounting U.N. Nations sanctions over its uranium enrichment program,
which the U.S. and other nations suspect the Islamic Republic is using
to develop nuclear weapons.

Hossein Abedini, a member of the opposition group’s foreign affairs
committee, claimed the group had obtained information from sources
within Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard and had passed details to the
British government. He did not provide any evidence or give further

Britain’s Foreign Office said it could not comment on Abedini’s
allegation, or say if it had evidence the operation was pre-planned. A
spokeswoman said the MEK was a banned organization under British
anti-terrorism laws — meaning the government had no dealings with the

Abedini told a London press conference that an Iranian Revolutionary
Guard naval garrison had been on alert from the night before the
kidnapping, to prepare for the operation.

Mohammad Mohaddessin, who handles foreign affairs for the council,
said in a statement that Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
had ordered the detention of the Britons in the hope of pressuring the
British government over a threat to toughen U.N. sanctions.

“You can see that the clerical regime had in a premeditated act
arrested British sailors in order to win concessions from the
international community and divert attention from its nuclear project,”
Abedini said. “Claims that the sailors were arrested in Iranian
territorial waters are baseless.”

Britain’s Foreign Office reiterated that the personnel “were in
Iraqi waters and we continue to request immediate consular access to
them and their immediate release.”

Britain has frozen most contacts with Iran and referred the issue to
the U.N. Security Council, which expressed “grave concern” on Thursday
over Iran’s seizure last week of the Britons.

Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami told reporters on Saturday
that he hopes the current standoff will be resolved peacefully “instead
of facing a new disaster not only for Iranian-British relations, but
for Iran internationally.”

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Get Bush Out Now

Computergate: I call BULLSHIT

The White House has officially responded to questions about the use of private RNC email accounts used by White House staff.

White House spokesman David Almacy said the outside e-mail accounts were set up to allow legitimate political activities to be conducted by appropriate staff members without using White House accounts, which would be illegal under the Hatch Act. “It was specifically set up that way so that people weren’t using their official accounts for political activities,” he said. Only certain White House staff members have such outside accounts, including those who regularly communicate with outside political groups, he said.

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9/11 Prep (Alleged) Update

Alleged Sept. 11 Financier Tells Tribunal He Knew Little of Plot –

Alleged Sept. 11 Financier Tells Tribunal He Knew Little of Plot

By Josh White

Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday, March 30, 2007; A02

BAY, Cuba, March 29 — An alleged senior financier of the Sept. 11,
2001, terrorist attacks against the United States acknowledged he had a
role in helping the hijackers but said he is not a member of al-Qaeda
and denied having much prior knowledge of the plot, according to a
transcript released by the Defense Department on Thursday.

Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, a Saudi national who allegedly played a key role in
the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, told a
Combatant Status Review Tribunal last week that he was in contact with
four of the Sept. 11 hijackers and that he received a series of money
transfers from the men in the days before the plot was carried out,
according to the transcript. He also told the tribunal that he spoke
with Mohamed Atta but was unaware of what was going to unfold.

September 11, I knew there was an operation,” Hawsawi said. He later
went to Pakistan and Afghanistan before his arrest in 2003. The
detainee arrived in Cuba in September along with 13 other high-value
detainees who had been in secret CIA custody.

statements to the military tribunal were released as Defense Secretary
Robert M. Gates repeated his public refrain about wanting to close the
island detention center, telling a congressional panel in Washington
that the “taint” the facility has acquired internationally could cause
military commissions here to “lack credibility.” The comments came on
the eve of hearings related to the guilty plea of Australian David
Hicks, the first detainee to face the untested legal proceedings.

told the defense subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee
that he has wanted to move trials for terrorism suspects to the United
States, and he asked Congress to consider language that would allow the
United States to deal with terrorists “who really need to be
incarcerated forever, but that doesn’t get them involved in a judicial
system where there is a potential of them being released, frankly.”

here have said there are about 75 detainees who probably will be
charged with crimes at military commissions, but there are hundreds
more who will be either transferred to other countries or held

Hawsawi is among approximately 385 detainees who
are still at Guantanamo but have not been charged with crimes. His
statements to the military tribunal cannot be independently verified,
and they differ dramatically from testimony presented in U.S. federal
court that purported to be derived from secret CIA interrogations. In a
statement presented to jurors in Zacarias Moussaoui’s terror trial in
the spring of 2006, Hawsawi allegedly admitted playing a central role
in facilitating the Sept. 11 attacks, working closely with Khalid Sheik
Mohammed, who allegedly orchestrated the plot.

It is unclear why
Hawsawi’s comments to CIA interrogators differ from statements to the
tribunal. Also unknown are the techniques the interrogators used.

statements to the CIA, Hawsawi said he bought plane tickets to the
United States for some of the hijackers, coordinated elements of the
plot with Atta and at one point had a hijacker living with him in his

His statements to the tribunal, according to the
transcript, show that he wanted to distance himself from al-Qaeda but
also show him as unapologetic for helping militant extremists. The
tribunal is trying to determine if Hawsawi is an enemy combatant.

you an al-Qaeda member?” asked one of the military officers on the
tribunal, eliciting a negative answer from Hawsawi. The officer then
asked why Hawsawi has so many associations with al-Qaeda members.

“I help all the jihadists,” Hawsawi answered.

went on to say that he has never taken an oath to be a jihadist, nor
has he sworn allegiance to Osama bin Laden, whom he said he has met
four or five times, according to the transcript.

Hawsawi admitted
being close to Mohammed and told the tribunal that he was captured at
the same time as Mohammed, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, in March 2003.

The only substantive part of the transcript that is redacted appears to relate to their capture.

on Thursday, the chief prosecutor for military commissions here, Air
Force Col. Morris Davis, said his team has been meeting with the
defense attorney for Hicks in preparation for hearings Friday and
Saturday that probably will determine a sentence for Hicks for
allegedly providing support for terrorism. Hicks entered a guilty plea
on Monday, and the presiding officer has yet to accept it.

said prosecutors are going to argue for “something substantially lower”
than the 20-year sentence given to American John Walker Lindh on
terrorism charges, describing Hicks as “wrongful, but not at the top of
the pyramid.” Hicks is likely to be sentenced by the end of the week.

Hicks’s father has said that he pleaded guilty simply as a way to end his five-year incarceration.

Staff writer Ann Scott Tyson and staff researcher Julie Tate in Washington contributed to this report.

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Gingrich links bilingual education and ‘ghetto’

Republican former House speaker mocks printing ballots in other languages

WASHINGTON – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich equated bilingual education Saturday with “the language of living in a ghetto” and mocked requirements that ballots be printed in multiple languages.

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Media Matters = Impotent or Liars

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Another indication of media blackout on 9/11 issues:

Media Matters Ignores Right Wing Attacks on Rosie O’Donnell

Media Matters has failed to report on any of the recent “conservative” media’s feeding frenzy on Rosie O’Donnell and their vitriolic attacks on her First Amendment rights, which include calling for her dismissal and execution. Media Matters just this week published a blog on the site defending the repulsive Ann Coulter:

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Flight 77

political-research : Message: Re: CNN Video: “NO PLANE HIT THE PENTAGON”


Flight 77, the one that theoretically hit the pentagon, never even took

It was cancelled at least a week in advance, or else it would have been
originally listed in the BTS database.


First published June 2002. Posted on this site with minor corrections,
January 2005

Physical and Mathematical Analysis of the Pentagon Crash














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John Gibson and Michelle Malkin Whip Up Frenzy Over Rosie O’Donnell and ABC

John Gibson and Michelle Malkin Whip Up Frenzy Over Rosie O’Donnell and ABC

Bill O’Reilly started a campaign last night to have Rosie O’Donnell fired from The View, ABC, for expressing her opinions on Iran and 9/11. This morning at 6 AM, Donald Trump was already quoting O’Reilly almost verbatim on The Imus Show demanding that ABC fire O’Donnell. So of course, John Gibson continued the fire Rosie campaign today with noxious Michelle Malkin who added Barbara Walters to the FOX News list of the currently unclean who must be punished. 3/30/07

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r blog » ask ro

Cathie writes:

Hi Rosie, Love watching The View since you started. Loved the comb over egg!!

Keep up the laughs…


will do

Jas writes:

i really feel for you and hate the way those ‘entertainment’ programs portray you.

i hope you and your family have a wonderful, relaxing vacation in miami. 🙂

when tey own the information

they can bend it all they want

Karen writes:

Bill OReilly stated that is dangerous for you to state
your views because the View audience is of lower intelligence and can
be manipulated. Duh I not too smart! Go Ro!

women is what he means


TJ writes:

Just watched 3-29 utube. Followed by Oreilly and Beck.
Makes my heart ache 4 U and family. Take care, thank you for your guts
and conscience

oreilly beck hannity

nowhere near my heart

fear not

DonnaArmyWife writes:

Its amazing how many of the people writing u dont
understand the constitution, its called FREE SPEECH & its
protected.Also if we torture prisoners we have no higher or moral
ground 2 stand on.

go donna

larul writes:

What took you so long to speak out on Bush’s new plan to
invade Iran. The whole UK thing is just a Trojan Horse and thanks for
pointing that out to those

who won’t listen to the real truth.


i have been blogging about it

for years

Carolyn writes:

What are you saying? That we have done all these
horrible things to ourselves? You better wake up and smell the coffee
before your kids will be reading and reciting the Koran.No questionhere

no brain there either

Teri writes:

Are you worried you might get fired? Have you talked to BW?


and yes

Randy writes:

How do you feel about Danny Bonaduce saying you should
be “strung up” for excercising your right to freedom of speech?He said
this on Scarborough Country.Keep researching Rosie,your doing great!

echo valley 26809

Diane writes:

U have helped me so much even tho u prob don’t know it.
I watched Bill O’Reilly and what he was saying about u made me cry. How
can some people spin what u say and be so rude. love u.stayi need u

thats what he does

eileen writes:

are you an anarchist?

no , an american

Shane writes:

why do you hate america?

i dont

Lee writes:

Ro, tried on a pair of Crocs today…they should be called
ROCS! They felt excellent. My sister had a pair and had me try on hers.
Between you and her, I’m buying a pair!


Luv ya!

they r fantastic

REBECKA writes:

Did you slip when you were telling about the kids
painting your awards by saying “craft house?” I love crafts too & I
so admire you for having a whole craft room or wing but a whole house!
Woo Hoo!

yes a whole house

Dawn writes:

Rosie, people need to wake up. You can disagree with the
president but still love America and you can hate the war but love
& support the warrior.

Love & Peace to You


and 2 u

ken writes:

hi ro

you give me hope and inspiration. Question:

do you watch democracy now with amy goodman?


where is it on

judy writes:

So glad many bloggers are realizing the truth.Most never
heard of this before,and gov.doesn’t want us to.You put it out there,we
can use the be better informed citizens.Our right &duty.


S writes:

Big fan…love y’a. But confused about WTC7. Were the
explosives put in place “in case” the Twin Towers were ever struck by
jumbo jets? It couldn’t have been done that day…in the chaos? How? Who?

if explosives were used

they would have been placed before 9 11

and so it begins

robert writes:

u know what pisses me off? been writing u 4 6 months
& never get an answer, then i read ur blog & c someone
write,,oh found ur blog today & decided 2 say hi why m i wsting my
time al i want is a HI

hi robert

kelly writes:

Just wanted to say I loved yesterday’s show and todays.
You have never answered me or anything but I know you have alot of
e-mails so i understand.



THERESE writes:

Rosie I cant believe it Alan Comes from fox just
defended u! He said he didnt agree with u but u were being misquoted !
and u were on a show called the”view” and thats what u were giving ur
view luv u

wel how about that

Nancy writes:

Do you Bedazzle?

Got one, and my 9yr old and I bedazzled an outift for her to wear to
a father/daughter dance with a Denim & Diamond theme. She LOVED it!

i do

Meg writes:

I think your views on 9/11 are totally wrong.

thats ok meg

Leslielee writes:

Do u think the Brits are stupid enuf to go w/ us hand in
hand into ANOTHER TOTAL DISASTER? I LOVE YA keep up the good work Thanx
for sharing. Can’t get enuf BABS God Bless you and yours PEACE OUT!xxx

i do

Gunny writes:

you have some nerve publishing you opinions to the
country via the View. Why dont you and all of your dike friends buy an
island and move there. 911 was not the usa’s fault. Terrorists like YOU


Lois writes:

On 9/24/06,CSPAN aired “9/11 and American Empire:Intellectuals Speak Out”, which is also a book. The proof you seek is here.

i saw it

Jan writes:

Was today’s 3/30 show taped before the live 3/29 show? You guys were calm and so funny. On the 29th the stress was showing.

29th we talked politics

30th was taped at 12 45 on the 29th

we talked no politics on that show

joni writes:

I’m worried for you. They are trying to get you fired
from the view. It’s unAmerican not to let anyone voice their personal
opinion wherever they wish! Besides it’s your job! Tell me how can I

dont worry joni

bill o is not THEM

betsy writes:

FYI-steel melts-2800F-Jet fuel burns 1800F-and would
have to burn for 3-4hrs.WTC-53minutes- Does your grill melt when u BBQ?
Keep on speaking out!



justin writes:

Do you understand everything you say is because the
country you live in gives you that freedom!!!! Wake up!! You would not
have the life style you have in any other country, but you conitnue to

of course i do

thats y i say what i do

so your children and mine

will have the same freedom of speech

Debbie writes:

I hope you and your family are having a restful vacation. You definitely deserve it. Take it easy. We love you, Ro!

i will

Carol writes:

What is your favorite John Mayer song?

stop this train

Brad writes:

Rosie, you made a bobo. Steal is melted by fire in a
blast furnace. Though, it was the first time buildings fell as a result
of fire. Keep up the good fight. Many are behind you.


thats what i meant to say

fire does not reduce a building to rubble

Paul writes:

Rosie – The Brits gave their GPS position. The Iranians
acknowledged them as being correct. They were in Iraqi waters. Then
Iranians changed the coordinates. You’re saying you don’t believe the

i dont

walter writes:

your idiotic anti-American statements are a disgrace.
You never once critcized anything Bill Clinton did-maybe it’s because
he loves anti american militant lesbians

yea thats it

Lee writes:

They are ripping you apart tonight on Hannity and
Colmes. They said you are falling apart, soon to be in a straight
jacket!! Do you think your big mouth got you in over your head???


i think they enjoy doing that

on those kind of shows

same same same

Natasha writes:

Hi Ro, interesting how no one is talking about
bush/saudi relationship & the many bin laden family members who
were flown out of USA after 9.11. why weren’t they subjected to
“extreme interrogation”?

thats interesting too

Peggy writes:

Watched OReilly’s rant on you just to see what he said.
He claims View’s ratings are way down since Dec. I don’t believe it. He
is scum. Stay strong!! Have a great vacation!!

he is wrong about the ratings

christylee writes:

aren’t you worried about what the government could do to
you . i am . when so many are affraid to ask the ? , you do. i fear the
way we are headed. i guess u r our new jane fonda and helen reddy.t.y.

if only i could b

Chris writes:

Thank you for being a voice of the voiceless. You are
fantastic. Also I believe we will be attacking Iran in April, hopefully
I’m wrong but your points on the hostages are dead on. Keep it up.

if we go to war with IRAN

all is lost

James writes:

read the whole thing

i still believe explosives were used to bring down wtc7

janice writes:

You are pitiful – never watch your show but caught your
dizzy comments on H&C . You are so misinformed. You are not a good

what makes a good american

one who participates in democracy

Mary writes:

Hiya Ro!Since you ignore anything that isn’t googled,
sending around a list of all the sponsors for your show and ABC and
calling for a ban.Guess how quick the internet is with info?Google it!

go on mary

do what u gotta do

Andrea writes:

My bookclub friend just posted on our website that she
color coordinates her rubbermaid containers to complement the
corresponding holiday. I find this extremely depressing.

thats funny andrea

Mimi writes:

You are a wonderful entertainer, you seem to be a loving
parent, but Rosie, you have no brains when it comes to being patriotic.
Think of your kids. When they grow up, they will hate you.

oh mimi

how could u possibly know that

they will hate me?

for standing up against a corrput administration?

free ur mind

Kim writes:

Rosie! You are doing what the media is SUPPOSED to be
doing…asking questions!…not bowing to thee and repeating what they tell
you to say..what they want you to say…like a bunch of lemmings.

loving kim

Gisele writes:

Ok.i think i am computer illeterate. I am still getting
the posting from march 13th and no new answers from your ask section.
what am i doing wrong to not get an updated site email me and help me

empty the cache on ur computer

Virginia writes:

Is it possible that the U.S Goverment done something to the Iranians GPS system?

So they could get the U.K goverment to back them if it they wanted to declare war

yes it is possible

Margaret writes:


Have you ever seen a documentary called “The US versus John Lennon”?

Very interesting stuff. Check it out! We found it on Netflix. Given whats happening w/world events & celebrity, spooky.

a great documentary

linda writes:

ont. cda, watch the fox news-the hostages wrote a note
about not being used-and were not treated like Abu- if something
happens Ro, your mouth could cost them their lives. Amer TV being
watched there

terrorists watch the view?

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